BRACE is committed to celebrating our National Heroes, therefore on 25th December 2023, BRACE has successfully organized a virtual event “Quaid Ka Pakistan” to celebrate the birthday of the Founder of Pakistan and the great leader. Respected Community members, Parents, Students, and Children from Bahria Town Isb/Rwp, Defense Villas, and surrounding areas participated in this event.

Members contributed about the personal life, freedom struggles, or quotes of Quid e Azam through Audio/Video messages to be posted in our WhatsApp Community group.
A speech contest (Quaid Ka Pakistan) was also conducted for the children/students below the age of 15.
Only 02 students participated in the speech contestants, who stood eligible for the cash prize of Rs.1000 each and a Certificate of Appreciation by the BRACE Executive Committee.
Names of our Future Leaders, who participated in the Quaid e Azam speech contest and won it without voting are:
BRACE appreciates all members and students, who actively participated in the Quaid e Azam day celebrations.