Free Membership Form

Please fill in all the fields correctly to get registered as a ‘BRACE Official Member‘. You will receive a confirmation email once your registration is successful.

Choose Brace Login Password
Re-enter Brace Login Password
Choose your Community

Upon successful submission please wait for an admin to approve your account or reach out to us on our WhatsApp (only) No: 0333-0872364 to have your account approved.


I hereby solemnly affirm, as under:

  • That the above-stated particulars / Information is correct and to the best of my knowledge.
  • I accept that my membership can be canceled at any time if any false information is found or due to a violation of existing and future guidelines, rules, and policies announced by BRACE Administration/Management Team.
  • I agree that I will update my profile data in case of any change in the provided information.
  • Registration/Membership is subject to cancellation at anytime without prior notice on grounds of violations of BRACE’s policies, rules & regulations described & updated time-to-time on the website & in BRACE’s WhatsApp Communities & Groups.
  • I accept that I will read & understand Group Descriptions & Community Policies Upon my joining of any of BRACE’s WhatsApp Communities & Groups. Violations of any nature will not be tolerated.

NOTE: BRACE has applied very stringent information security and confidentiality measures to protect your personal data/information.